Sunday, March 9, 2008

Order Management Profile Options

Below listed are OM profile options. For viewing the full list, do click Can anyone help on explaining the purpose of each of the below profile option?

1. AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos

2. BOM: Check for Duplicate Configuration

3. BOM: Component Item Sequence Increment

4. BOM: Configurator URL of UI Manager

5. BOM: Default Bill of Material Levels

6. Journals: Display Inverse Rate

7. OM: Administer Public Queries

8. OM: Apply Automatic Attachments

9. OM: Autoschedule

10. OM: Auto Push Group Date

11. OM: Charging Privilege

12. OM: Context Responsibility for Upgraded Orders

13. OM: Credit Card Privileges

14. OM: Credit Memo Transaction Type

15. OM: Cust Item Shows Matches

16. OM: Debug Level

17. OM: Discounting Privileges

18. OM: Estimated Authorization Validity Period

19. OM: GSA Discount Violation Action

20. OM: Included Item FreezeMethod

21. OM: Invoice Numbering Freeze Method

22. OM: Invoice Source

23. OM: Invoice Transaction Type

24. OM: Item Flexfield

25. OM: Negative Pricing

26. OM: Non-Delivery Invoice Source

27. OM: Notification Approver

28. OM: Order Purge per Commit

29. OM: Over Return Tolerance

30. OM: Over Shipment Tolerance

31. OM: Over Shipment Invoice Basis

32. OM: Payment Method for Transactions

33. OM: Reservation Time Fence

34. OM: Return Item Mismatch Action

35. OM: Return Unfulfilled Reference Line Action

36. OM: Risk Factor Threshold for Electronic Payments

37. OM: Schedule Line on Hold

38. OM: Show Discount Details on Invoice

39. OM: Show Line Details

40. OM: Source Code

41. OM: Use Configurator

42. OM: Under Return Tolerance

43. OM: Under Shipment Tolerance

44. QP: Accrual UOM Class

45. QP: Blind Discount Option

46. QP: Bypass the Pricing Engine

47. QP: Item Validation Organization

48. QP: Line Volume UOM Code

49. QP: Line Weight UOM Code

50. QP: Negative Pricing

51. QP: Source System Code

52. QP: Unit Price Precision Type

53. QP: Verify GSA

54. Tax: Allow Ad Hoc Tax Changes

55. Tax: Allow Override of Customer Exemptions

56. Tax: Allow Override of Tax Code

57. Tax: Calculate Tax on Credit Memos

58. Tax: Inventory Item for Freight

59. Tax: Invoice Freight as Revenue

60. Tax: Use Tax Vendor


  1. Well that is a big list , need to work on it.

  2. what about default value for all profile?
    please explain me.

    Best Regards,
    Natchakorn S.(Thailand)


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