Use this procedure to create a new item
1. With an Inventory responsibility, navigate as Inventory -->Items --> Master Items
2. Enter Item name and Item description. Click Save
3. To copy from an existing item template, on the same form go to Tools --> Copy from. Select the item template (for example Purchased); applying item template would enable the pre-set item attributes for this item template. Users can create couple of item templates which suits their requirements and use each of them for faster item creation
4. Observe and enable the fields on each of the tabs on the item creation form such as Inventory, Order Management, Invoicing, Purchasing, Bills of Material, Costing etc. Details on each of the attributes would be discussed while discussing the relevant modules.
5. After creation the item is Master Organization as above, to enable it in other inventory organizations navigate as Tools --> Organization Assignment. Check the required organizations and save.
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