Sunday, November 4, 2007

Inventory - Lot Control Setups

1. Set organization lot control parameter:

Navigate to Setup -> Organizations -> Parameters -> Select the Revision,
Lot, Serial alternative region.

1. Select an option for lot number uniqueness.

Across items: Enforce unique lot numbers for items across all

None: Unique lot numbers are not required.

2. Select an option for lot number generation.

User-defined: Enter user-defined lot numbers when you receive

At organization level: Define the starting prefix and lot number
information for items using the values
you enter in the Prefix, Zero Pad, Suffix
and Total Length fields. When you
receive items, this information is used
to automatically generate lot numbers for
your items.

At item level: Define the starting lot number prefix and the
starting lot number when you define the item.
This information is used to generate a lot number
for the item when it is received.

3. Indicate whether to add zeros to right-justify the numeric portion
of lot number (Zero Pad Suffix).

4. Optionally, select a alphanumeric lot number prefix to use for
system-generated lot numbers when generation is at the
organization level.

5. Optionally, define the maximum length for lot number.
If you use Oracle Work in Process and you set the WIP parameter to
default the lot number based on inventory rules, then WIP
validates the length of the lot number against the length you
define in this field.
Navigation: WIP responsibility, setup--> parameters.

2. Set the item lot control attribute control level:

Navigate to Setup -> Items -> Attributes Controls

Scan the information displayed on the Group Name and Attribute Name to
find the Group Name = "Inventory" and Attribute Name = "Lot Control"

Select a control level for the attribute.

Master Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Master
level. For the same item, the values of this
attribute are identical across all organizations.

Org Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Organization
level. For the same item, each organization may
define a different value for this attribute

3. Set the item starting lot number attribute control level:
Navigate to Setup -> Items -> Attributes Controls

Scan the information displayed on the Group Name and Attribute Name to
find the Group Name = "Inventory" and Attribute Name = "Starting Lot

Select a control level for the attribute.

Master Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Master
level. For the same item, the values of this
attribute are identical across all organizations.

Org Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Organization
level. For the same item, each organization may
define a different value for this attribute

4. Set the item Starting Lot Prefix attribute control level:
Navigate to Setup -> Items -> Attributes Controls

Scan the information displayed on the Group Name and Attribute Name to
find the Group Name = "Inventory" and Attribute Name = "Starting Lot

Select a control level for the attribute.

Master Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Master
level. For the same item, the values of this
attribute are identical across all organizations.

Org Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Organization
level. For the same item, each organization may
define a different value for this attribute

5. Set the item lot expiration attribute control level:

Navigate to Setup -> Items -> Attributes Controls

Scan the information displayed on the Group Name and Attribute Name to
find the Group Name = "Inventory" and Attribute Name = "Lot Expiration"

Select a control level for the attribute.

Master Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Master
level. For the same item, the values of this
attribute are identical across all organizations.

Org Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Organization
level. For the same item, each organization may
define a different value for this attribute

6. Set the item shelf life days attribute control level:

Navigate to Setup -> Items -> Attributes Controls

Scan the information displayed on the Group Name and Attribute Name to
find the Group Name = "Inventory" and Attribute Name = "Shelf Life Days"

Select a control level for the attribute.

Master Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Master
level. For the same item, the values of this
attribute are identical across all organizations.

Org Level: Define and maintain this attribute at the Organization
level. For the same item, each organization may
define a different value for this attribute

7. Set up item lot control:

Navigate to Items -> Master Items -> Select the Inventory alternate

1. Establish lot control for an item.

You can establish lot control for an item when define it.

No control: Do not establish lot control for the item.

Full control: Track inventory balances by lot number.

If you choose lot control you must assign lot numbers when you
receive the item into inventory. Thereafter, when you transact
this item, you must provide a lot number you specified when you
received the item.

You can update lot control options for an item if it has zero on-
hand quantity.

You can establish lot number control only for an item that has no
quantity on hand. IF Lot Control is controlled at Master Item
level, the check for on-hand quantity is against the sum of on-
hand quantities in all child organizations.
Note: For Oracle Order Entry, if profile option OE: Reservations
is Yes, you can specify a lot a t order entry or scheduling,
or let Pick Release use Inventory picking rules to determine
the lot when the order is picked. If the profile option is
No, you must enter a lot at ship confirmation.

Attention: Oracle Work in Process recognizes either lot control or
serial control for an item-but not both. You cannot
transact in item in Work in Process if it has both lot
and serial control defined.

2. Establish starting lot prefix

Enter a starting prefix for all lot numbers you define for this
item. When Lot Number Generation is At item level in the
organization parameters, this prefix is used when you define a lot

3. Establish starting lot number

Enter a starting numeric suffix for this item only. When Lot
number generation is At item level in the organization parameters,
this starting numeric suffix is used when you create a lot number.
Thereafter, this number is incremented for each succeeding lot.

4. Establish lot expiration (shelf life) control

Shelf life is the amount of time an item may be held in inventory
before it expires. When defining items under lot control, you can
choose your lot expiration.

No control: Shelf life control not established for this item.

Shelf life days: Specify a number of days for all lots of an
item, beginning on the day you create the lot by
receiving the item. You receive a warning
message that the lot expires after the specified
number of days.

User-defined: Specify an expiration date as you receive each lot.
You receive a warning but are not prevented from
using the lot after expiration.

5. Establish shelf life days

Enter the number of days each lot is active. At receipt, the
expiration date is determined by adding the shelf life days to the
system date (includes the day you define the lot). This is used
only when you choose Shelf life days for Lot Expiration Control.

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